Dashboard attributes
Some attributes that determine values displayed on the DAO dashboard (such as the STAKING TARGET) can be changed by creating a proposal and calling the appropriate function on the DAO pool contract.
The following parameters can be updated via DAO proposal by calling StateUtils.sol functions within the API3 Pool contract. For reference, percentage values are based on 10^18 = 100%
Parameter Name | Initial Value | Function Signature | Description |
stakeTarget | 50 * 10^16 | setStakeTarget(uint256 _stakeTarget) | Percentage of all tokens targeted to be staked |
aprUpdateStep | 1 * 10^16 | setAprUpdateStep(uint256 _aprUpdateStep) | Percentage reward APR will be increased or decreased by |
maxApr | 75 * 10^16 | setMaxApr(uint256 _maxApr) | Maximum reward APR |
minApr | 2.5 * 10^16 | setMinApr(uint256 _minApr) | Minimum reward APR |
proposalVotingPowerThreshold | 0.1 * 10^16 | setProposalVotingPowerThreshold(uint256 _proposalVotingPowerThreshold) | Percentage of all shares that must be held to create a new proposal |
unstakeWaitPeriod | 604800 (seconds) | setUnstakeWaitPeriod(uint256 _unstakeWaitPeriod) | Length of time a member must wait after scheduling unstake before unstaking tokens from the pool |