DAO Contributors
Contributors receive grants from the DAO and are often composed of hierarchical teams which manage, streamline, and secure the success of their deliverables to API3.
A best-practice workflow is to form off-chain teams and apply for grants to execute one-time projects or time-defined operations that will benefit API3. The team makes the grant application with a multisig that has the team members assigned as owners, and the DAO permissionless-ly transfers the grant to the multisig if the proposal is accepted and passed by the DAO contract logic.
This team-based governance scheme is scalable in terms of gas costs, as it requires fewer proposals to be voted on at the DAO level, and in practical terms as it does not require the constant attention of all governing parties to a wide variety of minute details. Furthermore, it allows critical operations such as data feed management to be executed swiftly and based on expert opinion.